Davidstow Escape Cooler

Dairy Impulse : Davidstow Escape Cooler

A joint project between Co op stores and the produce supplier, saw smf develop our unique Promotional Fridge Displays to help promote British Strawberries during the Wimbledon tennis season and beyond. smf  were tasked to design a portable chilled unit with interchangeable graphic shrouds to be sited at the entrance to the self check out area of store. For more information just asksmf.


Our newly developed Escape Coolers are ideal for placing chilled products into impulse or ambient areas of store. With a working temperature of 0-4 degrees, and being 3m1 rated, these units work great with drinks, dairy and fruit products. The easy to assemble cardboard outer shroud is easy to update for different promotions.

See our Promotional Fridge Display (PFD) page.


ask smf for more information